Part 28: 06/26/09 - 06/30/09
So, we're getting very close to the end of the month now.

Friday's a pretty brisk day, so let's see. We've spent a bit of time with Fuuka and Friday isn't a day where Chihiro's available, so...
> You talked to her about your favorite foods.

Well, I've been cooking a lot since then...

That's why I wanted to know what your favorite food is, so I could make it for you. But...

Everything I make still tastes terrible...

I believe in you.

Thank you...

No one's ever said anything like that to me...
It's kinda weird, to me, that Fuuka's portrait is still here. They normally fade out for these, as you no doubt noticed by now.

I'm not really a positive thinker...

I always picture the worst happening...

So, I'm really thankful to be a member of SEES.

Everyone's been so encouraging...

Especially you, Makoto-kun...

That's why I want to show you my gratitude.
> It seems that Fuuka trusts you.
> Your relationship with her has grown...

Then again, they're probably too advanced for me...

Hmm... Maybe I should just get a cookbook...

But, there probably aren't any in the library...

Go to the bookstore.

I could, but...
I really would've thought otherwise. Huh.

It's not a big deal, though...
> Fuuka smiled wryly.
> You walked around the strip mall with Fuuka for a while before returning to the dorm.
Iwatodai Dorm
> Akihiko has left.
I'm sure I know exactly why Akihiko took today to get outta dodge...

So, today I will be performing my top ten jokes for everyone...
Ikutsuki's here and is apparently being Ikutsuki.

And, yeah, this is something we can do for sure. Just not gonna pay attention to Ikutsuki's awful puns.

What should I do, Makoto-kun?

Just laugh at his jokes.


Like this? "Oh, Ikutsuki-san, that's so funny! Ahahaha... ha... ha..."

But, it's just so lame...
We spoke to local youth, who have a message for irresponsible adults.

Before you tell me to stop talking on the phone, maybe you could stop stealing people's seats, you know? God, you guys totally have no right to get on our case like that.
Next, more vacation news...
Honestly, I'm really hoping we max Charm out sooner rather than later now.

Not necessarily because we're going to need it that soon, but because it'd be nice to be able to add something special on some days...
Want To Be Close (Reincarnation) /
Gossiping: I guess they were all in pairs.
Listening: What, like they were attempting a double suicide?
Gossiping: I don't know. But if I could pass out with someone I liked, I wouldn't mind being unconscious!
Listening: I would mind!
> The first bell has rung.
Today is also a pretty lax day as far as school is concerned.

But we can find these two on the roof now, and uh...

That guy over there just picked his nose.

She's actually pretty cute, huh?
It seems like their impressions and ideas are beginning to slowly reverse. Hmm.

Oh well, it's Saturday so let's get Chihiro that much closer to being finished.
Sophomore Chihiro Fushimi and junior Makoto Yuki: the Student Council President would like to speak with you. Please go to the Student Council Room immediately. I repeat again...

The President wants to speak with me...?

D-Don't tell me the President thinks I stole the money too...!?

Don't worry, she'll help us.

R-Right... She will, won't she?

If I talk to her, at least I won't have to trouble you anymore, Makoto-san...
> You decide to go to the Student Council Room with Chihiro.

I apologize for the sudden announcement. The reason I called you here is...

Y-You think I-I stole the money...


I'd like to hear the whole story directly from you.

Uh... Um... I... I...

> You made eye contact with Chihiro.


...Thank you, Makoto-san... I... can do this myself...

...I... I... I...
> Chihiro's lip is trembling.

...It's okay. Chihiro.

It's not necessarily someone who's good at counting money who makes the best Treasurer...
No, but it certainly helps. Like, a lot.

I prefer someone who will work diligently, without complaining.

From what I've seen in Student Council, Chihiro, it's obvious that you didn't take the money.

Th-Thank you... Ms. President...

...Do you think you can do that?
Considering she was unable to even say "I didn't do it" without nearly having a breakdown...

...It-It's difficult to say this... and I-I-I'll probably regret it, b-but...

I-I don't think I can... do it...

...Never be embarrassed of who you are.

Allow me to take care of it... It's my responsibility as Student Council President.

...Give me a hand, will you, Yuki?

Why me?

I'd like to know more about Chihiro, and I've seen you two together after school.

I want to prove to those who suspect her that even outside of school she behaves respectably.

Try not to be seen by anyone...

Y-You two will be meeting alone...?

I don't want to make things worse.

Even in the dorm, there are students who spread rumors...
Like Junpei, or Yukari, or... Junpei...

N-No! That's unacceptable! I won't let you do it!


There's no way I'll agree to that! If I can clear my name, it won't be necessary, right!?

I'm going to talk to the teacher!


You had a bandage on your chin because you cut yourself while shaving!

I handed the fee money to you directly! Do you expect me to just pretend that never happened!?

Calm down, Fushimi!

Please explain! Or else...
Not gonna lie, I was absolutely expecting this guy to be Ekoda or something. Instead, it's just some no named rando. At least he clearly has the required credentials to teach here.

Teacher: That day, I had to stay late. and I missed my train.

Teacher: I fully intended to return the money, but then I forgot. I must be getting old, huh? *chuckle*

It-It's not funny!
Teacher: Don't worry. I'll explain to the class what happened and return the money. So, please forgive me, Chihiro!

I assumed it was just a misunderstanding, but...

...this is inexcusable! You call yourself a teacher!?
Teacher: Please don't...

It's okay, Mitsuru-san...

If that's the case, then I'll...

Let's go, Makoto-san.


What's wrong?

Oh, nothing... *giggle*
Are... are you drunk...?

Remember what I said to Mitsuru-san? "Get away from him!" *giggle*

I-I was worried what might happen if you and Mitsuru-san were alone together...

I was so flustered I almost passed out... I'm pretty weird, huh?

I've been like that ever since I was a kid, or so my mother says.
That's one way of describing that, I guess.

I've been talking to my mother about you, Makoto-san... and she wants to meet you...

...Would you like to come over to my house one day? You know, when you're not busy...?
> You feel as if Chihiro has confessed her true feelings.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

...and, um, I think I owe her an explanation. Excuse me.
> You decided to go back to the dorm.
Iwatodai Dorm
Um, that's the uh... um...

Oh, the Antiques Store!
...It's already open. It opened on the 9th of June. Either Mitsuru is just flatout wrong, again, or this was meant to occur way earlier but it just didn't or something. Weird.

Oh, right, Elizabeth wanted one in June for some reason. I don't get it either.

That's... the ornament at the top of the tree, right?

What do you want one of those for?

And where would I find one...?
Honestly, I just asked you about this one becasue everyone else has already had their turn.

Ohh... I think I might know what you're talking about.

If I'm right, it might not refer to an ornament at all.

I think it's pretty common, too...

Could you wait a few minutes? I'll go look it up.
Requisite fade to blue.

Sorry for the wait!

It's usually a Christmas flower, so you won't find it in stores now.

Fortunately, I had some in my room. Here you go.
We'll take this to Liz shortly, but first...

There must be some reason why...

Maybe it's part of the Shadows' plan.

Well, whatever it is, we should be ready for anything.

If things keep going like this, a Shadow will appear during the full moon...

...just like Ikutsuki-san said.

I'm not going to say what they were doing when it happened, but...

Do you think that means the next Shadow is starting to wake up?
It's 10 days until the next Full Moon, so almost certainly yes. Apathy Syndrome started flaring up a little before now...
If the dry weather continues this summer, it could turn into a serious problem...
Nothing else in the dorm, so let's give Elizabeth a probably dead flower.
The Poem For Everyone's Soul


Then where is it...?

Hm... I'm somewhat disappointed.

I was led to believe there would be presents growing from this plant.

This fulfills my request, but you can take it back with you.

Although once the presents are in bloom, I'd like for these plants to fill this room...

Please accept your reward.
This is, uh, kinda a thing I guess? Megido Gems are nice and all, but we probably won't really ever use it. Almighty damage, multi-target, much earlier than the actual Megido spell but it's still not great.
Now we have no requests we can finish without going to Tartarus for either using a fusion skill, getting an item, a gem to get an item or grinding up to a level to make a new Persona.

Today is a Saturday, so we won't be doing that though. Instead, we'll be talking to Tanaka as that's apparently become a decent pattern.
This Mysterious Feeling

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be able to see through people's bathing suits at the beach?

Why, is it possible?

Oops... I forgot. You're underage.
> President Tanaka seems a little worried.

If you're curious, go ask one of your friends. But not a girl, unless you want to get slapped.

Our company has introduced a special filter for digital cameras.

Simply attach it to your camera and voila! Start peeping!

We've been advertising it in adult magazines. Our ad slogan is "Undress them with your camera eye."

It's been selling like hotcakes! In fact, it's our number one seller!

Unfortunately, customers have been complaining that it doesn't work.

And it's not like anyone would actually admit they bought one.

...By the way. try to cut back on the donuts and cupcakes. I have an idea for an ad campaign...

Women would go crazy over a handsome young man in his briefs! I think you'd be perfect for the job!
Meh, pass.
> You feel like President Tanaka is counting on you.
> You feel like you understand him a little better now.

If you go back on your word, I'll paste a picture of your head on the most hideous body I can find!
I really think that Tanaka's revenge schemes are getting less, uh, revenge-y.
> President Tanaka left.
I'm thinking we'll probably keep up with Tanaka on Tuesdays and Saturdays up until we max Charm, then Saturday'd conflict with Academics unfortunately.
This Sunday means we get to hang out with Chihiro yet again. This is very important though! She needs 40 points total to get to rank 10, and the rank 9 scene only gave us 21 points to it. We need 19 more...
When The Moon's Reaching Out Stars /
Way of Life
> Chihiro seems excited.

I don't think I'll be very good at the racing games, though...

I'll be too worried about breaking the speed limit.
> Chihiro seems a little embarrassed.

I'm not good at driving, anyway...

Are you planning to get a driver's license, Makoto-san...?

I'm thinking about it.


Um... Then, maybe we could, um, go for a drive together...

I hope you get your license soon...
> The bond between you is growing.
We're not going to bother giving her a gift this time, since it'd be throwing money away. We just got +45 after all.
> You decide to go back to the dorm.
Iwatodai Dorm
Blue Swan is a strong believer in positive thinking, so this fits really well.
...And now, the news. The number of Apathy Syndrome victims is increasing every day, all over the city...
Nothing else downstairs, we'll head on upstairs to try and find everyone.

If this was an adventure novel, there'd probably be some kind of treasure...

I know! There's a giant pinata! And when you break it...

...candy pours out, and a huge banner appears, saying, "Congratulations! You've beaten Tartarus!"

That MUST be it, Stupei.

Wouldn't it be nice if there was a control panel we could smash and destroy the whole place?

...There is no top to Tartarus!

Actually, that's an interesting idea...

But, wouldn't that create a big problem for us?

Uh, y-yeah, I guess so...

Um, maybe I was wrong.
Mitsuru and Akihiko are both out again.
I'm beginning to see a bit of a pattern with Sundays, really. I get the feeling we're probably not gonna get to do stuff on it again for a little while at least.
Want To Be Close (Reincarnation) /

...Ya know, in about a week, there'll be another mission...

Yeah, I know.

I wonder what it'll be like this time...

I guess we'll keep fighting until we defeat all 8 that are left.

But, what are we gonna do after that?

I've been thinking about this for a while. I wonder if Mitsuru-senpai is hiding something from us...
Well, there's still 8 Shadows to deal with. That's gonna take another like 7 months, since there's one Blue Moon we have in that time, so...

...Wait, we have an exam in two weeks?! Umm, umm... I'm not sure Academics 3 is enough for this one. It might be, but its also finals so it could totally be 4...

Got it? Good. We're moving on to inertial force.

Let's do an experime... Nah, let's not. We'll work on the problems in the book instead.

Open up to page 8. The first problem... That's just an application. We're skipping it. After that...

You look sleepy, Junpei. Let's see if you can answer this.

When you drain the water in the tub, it swirls down the drain.

Wh-Whaaat!? How would I know...? Who pays attention to something like that?

(Hey Makoto, do you know?)

(It can go either way.)

Right. The Coriolis effect doesn't apply on a small scale, like water swirling down the drain.

Otherwise, the rule is "clockwise in the north, counter-clockwise in the south."

But remember... it has to be on a large scale, like shooting a missile.


Dude... That's it? I got the question right! Don't I deserve some credit here?
We're definitely getting closer to max Charm. Every little bit helps, but with imminent exams...

Well, we can worry about that later. For today, we'll keep up with Fuuka I suppose. We can't spend time with Chihiro today after all.

I had to go to the pharmacy to buy some special spices...

I don't know why, though. Even if I use them, I doubt they'll make any difference...

...I'm sorry you came all the way here.
> Fuuka seems very apologetic.

To be honest, my cooking still doesn't taste very good...

It's not the way I make it, it's just...

*sigh* I just wish I was good at something...

Well, you have a Persona.

That's true, but...

Everyone else has something they're really good at.


I just don't have any talents...

...Not that that's anything to be proud of...
> Fuuka seems embarrassed.

He would repair speakers and head phones.

I used to love watching him work when I was little.

That's probably why I'm so good with mechanical devices.

But, I don't think those skills are enough to repay everyone for what they've done for me...

And even if they were, the Kirijo Group could always provide us with anything we need for battle...

Not to mention that I'm kind of embarrassed about it all. I mean, it's not a very feminine hobby.

Oh, I don't think so.

Oh, Makoto-kun...


...Thank you.

You always seem to be the one I tell my troubles to, Makoto-kun...

And yet, you're always so understanding.

You help me to think positively...

You're really supportive...
> Fuuka seems to trust you.
> Your relationship with her has grown deeper.

Well, um...

I'm going to return to the dorm.

...I'll see you later.
> ...You have decided to go back to the dorm.

It's okay... What's on your mind?

Well, um...

I was hoping you could do me a favor, with your skill...

I was doing some research on our school, and I came across something strange...

They were reported as absent, but I found some records that suggest it was something serious.

Do you know anything about it, Fuuka?

Me? Um, not really...

I know it was a long time ago, but... doesn't it seem suspicious to you?

Wait, are you saying...?

I don't know. But, I wonder...

And I'm not trying to make trouble, but...

Does she...?

I just wanna know what happened back then. If it doesn't have anything to do with the Shadows, then fine.

...I understand.

Okay, I'll see what I can do.
Well, that was an... unexpected aside. First one in less than a whole week. I guess the general pace might actually be picking up a bit.
Iwatodai Dorm

She has daggers in her eyes whenever she looks at Mitsuru-senpai.

It's just your imagination.

Yeah, maybe you're right.
There's nothing on the telly today, and Yukari and Fuuka aren't downstairs either...

But we know where they are courtesy of the scene, so!

What's with that look...? Don't you trust me?

Let me join in.

Wh-What!? It's girl talk!

Sorry, no boys... Now, go away!

It's just an ordinary conversation, really...

So, don't worry.
Monday is a good day for Charm, as usual, so we'll do that tonight. I'm thinking that we're very nearly done with Charm at this point, but we'll see...

And, of course, Academics is quickly going to come back into the front regardless since we have an exam early in July to deal with now.
Want To Be Close (Reincarnation) /
So, today is a tuesday. Tuesday is a Chihiro day. We have nothing else to focus on beforehand, so straight to her we go!
> You and Chihiro are enjoying each other's company...
I was really, uh, really not expecting her to get those anytime ever.

I bought all three. I blew my whole allowance... but it was worth it!

...This book was done by the same artist. Would you like to borrow it, if you're interested...?

Just promise to think of me when you read it...

I don't read girl manga.
I'm pretty sure Makoto doesn't read anything that isn't related to schoolwork (or required to even Do A Social Link) in some way, honestly. It's kinda weird.

That's okay. But, will you hold onto it for me?
> Chihiro seems disappointed.

I'll be happy just knowing that something important to me is with you, Makoto-san...
Well, huh, this is the first item we've gained from an S.Link since we focused on Bunkichi and Mitsuko for a long while way back when.
...Reminds me that we should go back there sometime soon, but we'll get a good bonus for that later so I kinda wanna wait for that.
> It's getting dark out.

She'says she has to stay late at work...

I-I really don't want to be alone...

Please stay... Just a little while longer...

Lock your doors.

P-Please! I-I only told you that story just to get you to...!
> Chihiro seems desperate.

I know I'm being selfish...

Not like you, Makoto-san... You're such a great person, and you make those around you happy too...
You... really don't know Makoto, huh?

I wish I could have you all to myself...

So, please grant me this one last wish...
The Path is Open
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...
For future max ranks, I'll probably just cut this down a bit. Especially once they start happening rapidly close together. Our next one most likely won't be for a little while, though.
Melchizedek is the final Justice Persona. Maxing an S.Link unlocks its highest level Persona for fusion, which isn't necessarily as high a level as you'd expect. Melchizedek is far, far, far away right now, sure, but he's "only" level 59.

It's so warm being near you...
The implication is whatever you think it is.
Also, hey, remember when she had androphobia? And how that was absolutely irrelevant to pretty much the entire link? Weird. Wouldn't see that nowadays.
Iwatodai Dorm
We'll do a quick lap around the dorm, since we're a week away from the full moon. Naturally, we have a lot of updated dialogue as a result.


Good, then I expect you to be prepared.

But, don't think too much about it, or else you'll get more nervous as the day gets closer.

So, have you been creating a plan?


Well, you better get started! We're all counting on you.
Just because we know A Thing Is Coming doesn't mean we know what it can or can't do. It's hard to plan for something that is kind of a giant question mark.
Bring your water bottles and make sure you don't get dehydrated! Now, back to the studio.
After these messages, more hard-hitting Action News!
Alright, so, Tuesday. This is our best day right now for a certain someone, so...

Tanaka gets one last bit of our time before the full moon. Saturdays give us a quiz at the arcade, and we want that for the upcoming exams right now.
This Mysterious Feeling

...Oh, dear me... I-I just can't concentrate. I get so worked up when I picture his face!

Who're you talking about?

...One of my employees. I suppose I should have seen it coming...

There was a young man who was working for me...

He was a good kid who graduated from a well-known university.

After that, his self-confidence went down the drain

...Then, he just stopped coming to work.

What happened to him?

He probably locked himself inside his room. I don't care.
> President Tanaka seems unconcerned.

I just mailed him a dismissal notice, C.O.D.

It's his fault that the company is in the red this month!

All that money I wasted on training him...

It makes me sick just thinking about it... Uhh...

Is it always about money?

Money won't betray me like he did.

It's difficult growing up with no money...
Hey, Tanaka, you... uh... you're projecting, just a bit. Your issues are definitely showing.

I've been thinking... How would you like to model exclusively for my company?

Your innocent appearance would be perfect for camouflaging the ugly realities of business!

...Think about it, will you? You won't ever have to worry about being able to buy shoes for PE.
> You sense that President Tanaka has strong feelings for you.
> You feel like you understand him a little better now.

If I decide to hire someone new, it'll cost a fortune to train them.
> President Tanaka left, talking to himself.
Not even a half-hearted threat or anything this time. How weird.
The Voice Someone Calls

I think so.

*chuckle* You're used to it by now, huh?

...The next full moon will be in one week.

Are you prepared...? Be careful, okay?

I'll come again.
> Pharos has disapperead...
Pharos hitting the requisite last week reminder, just to be safe. I think that, yeah, we should go and finish off Arqa (hopefully) before we hit the full moon. Wednesday is a Quiz day, Thursday is a photo day... It's probably gotta be Friday, then, or Sunday if we want to push it to the absolute last day.
...Pfft, no, fuck that. Friday it is, I guess. Maybe Thursday if we can somehow max Charm before Thursday night. We'll see what happens there.

Yukari's got a very clear strength. That Magic is far above everything else makes he role clear, but her current spells are... very limited. I'm sure she can manage fine, though.

When everyone else was a bit tired last time, I got Junpei some levels to keep him close to everyone else. That's the good news! The bad news is that, well, the last fight wasn't quite "Fuck Junpei" was it? Don't worry. The next one brings that back in full fore.
Well, it TRIES to anyway...

Akihiko is, uh, falling behind despite being tied highest level right now. His generalist build gives him a decent skill spread, but man are his stats the worst overall across the board; he's not the worst at any one stat, but he has no real strengths either...
At least he can heal in a pinch and Tarunda is always helpful.

Mitsuru's Magic is only one point below Yukari's, albeit with a two level advantage, but she'll get a mid-tier spell way before anyone else to give her a bit of an edge. Plus healing's always useful and Marin Karin can
be useful. It just needs the right target(s), and the right AI setting to prove its worth.
Since we still only have 4 people to fill 3 slots, we'll go with the same principle as before:
Vote for the one (1) person who gets to keep the bench nice and toasty this time.